2. Joint industry programmes and collaboration initiatives
We are globally leading experts in delivering large scale RD&D and collaboration programmes, with a track record of delivering real cost reductions.
Market-agnostic initiatives bringing together the offshore wind industry to accelerate the development and deployment of offshore wind globally.
Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA)
The OWA is our flagship collaborative RD&D programme. Set up in 2008, the programme aims to reduce the cost of offshore wind, overcome market barriers, develop industry best practice and trigger the development of new industry standards. The current phase involves participation and funding from nine international energy companies: EnBW, Equinor, Ørsted, RWE Renewables, ScottishPower Renewables, Shell, SSE Renewables, Total Energies, and Vattenfall.
Floating Wind Joint Industry Programme (Floating Wind JIP)
The Floating Wind JIP is a world-leading collaborative R&D initiative between the Carbon Trust and 17 leading international offshore wind developers. Among them are bp, EDF Renouvables, EnBW, Equinor, Kyuden Mirai Energy, Ørsted, Ocean Winds, Parkwind, RWE Renewables, ScottishPower Renewables, Shell, Skyborn Renewables, SSE Renewables, TEPCO, Tohoku Electric Power Company, Total Energies and Vattenfall. The programme seek to overcome the challenges and investigate the opportunities of developing commercial-scale floating wind farms.
Floating Wind JIP
The Offshore Renewables JIP (ORJIP)
ORJIP is a collaborative initiative established in 2012. Through research, it seeks to reduce the consenting and environmental risk of existing and future offshore wind farms. ORJIP is funded by 12 industry partners including the Crown Estate, Crown Estate Scotland, Marine Scotland and nine offshore wind farm developers EDF, EDPR, Equinor, Ørsted, RWE, Shell and SSE Renewables.
Offshore Wind Sustainability JIP (Sustainability JIP)
Phase 1 of the Sustainability JIP will develop the first industry-backed methodology and guidance to measure and address the carbon emissions associated with offshore wind farms throughout their life cycle.
The programme aims to accelerate the carbon reduction efforts across the offshore wind industry. Funded by 12 global developers – bp, EnBW, Equinor, Fred Olsen Seawind, Parkwind, Ørsted, SSE, Shell, SPR, RWE, Total Energies and Vattenfall — who collectively represent around a quarter of the global installed capacity.
Sustainability JIP
The Integrator
The Integrator is a joint-industry initiative led by offshore wind farm developers. With a mission to maximise the contribution of offshore wind to a low cost, flexible, predictable and low carbon future, the Integrator is a collaboration between the Carbon Trust, EnBW, ScottishPower Renewables, Shell, SSE Renewables, TotalEnergies and Vattenfall.
The Integrator