Insights The latest insights, viewpoints and analysis from experts at the Carbon Trust. Sign up to our newsletter Filter by - Topic -Corporate climate actionEnergy transitionFinanceFootprintingNet ZeroRegulations and reporting Image Corporate climate action The Circularity Factor: Creating value on the journey to Net Zero Image Regulations and reporting CBAM: What it means for exporters of steel, iron and aluminium Image Corporate climate action Integrating circularity in ICT’s Net Zero transition Image Corporate climate action Smart phones, smart choices: Harnessing purchasing power to reduce the carbon impact of our phones Image Net Zero What will the COP29 deal mean for businesses? Image Finance Aligning investments with a decarbonised future: The role of climate due diligence Image Footprinting PACT: Unlocking product carbon data for more sustainable value chains Image Corporate climate action Chemicals and climate: How to align with the SBTi’s draft sector guidance Image Net Zero The UK can plug the housing gap while keeping Net Zero on track Image Footprinting Scope 3 emissions: Uncomfortable reporting Load more