Getting to net zero for cities and regions: measuring and managing Scope 3 emissions

Trams in Old Market Square, Nottingham

Over 85% of UK local authorities have now declared a climate emergency and committed to stretching targets that include many hard to tackle Scope 3 emission sources. Up to 90% of an organisation’s carbon impact lies outside its immediate sphere of control - from areas such as the procurement of good and services , capital construction projects and investments. 

But how can Scope 3 emissions be reduced?

Join us for the second in our webinar series on Getting to net zero for cities and regions, where we will explore Scope 3 emissions measurement and discuss how supplier engagement can help make progress in this hard to decarbonise area.

This webinar is for representatives of local authorities and public sector bodies looking to develop strategies for acting upon organisational Scope 3 emissions. 
In this webinar, our experts will discuss:

  • Scope 3 categorisation fundamentals 
  • Methods for measuring organisational Scope 3 emissions
  • Supply chain engagement strategy

Our Cities and Regions experts will draw on almost two decades of experience of working with public sector organisations in the UK and around the world, helping raise ambition on climate action and develop and implement climate action plans. There will be the opportunity for you to submit your questions to our experts during a live Q&A.

Register for the upcoming webinars in the Getting to net zero for cities and regions series:


Find out more about our work with Cities and Regions


Please note this webinar is for relevant stakeholders only. We reserve the right to decline registrants.