Elizabeth Virginia Mosqueda Rodriguez

Elizabeth works in the Carbon Trust's Mexico office, where her experience includes designing programmes for international climate funds in energy efficiency and agriculture; developing the electromobility strategy for Mexico City, and supporting states and municipalities on their climate change programmes. She leads on business development with corporates in Mexico.
Before joining Carbon Trust, Elizabeth worked as a consultant for German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and had previously worked for the German Emissions Trading Authority to propose a possible monitoring mechanism for a Mexican emissions trading scheme based on the European model. Prior to this she worked in Mexico's Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) as Global Environmental Policies Director, and served as a UNDP consultant for the development of planning instruments for Mexico's General Climate Change Act. Elizabeth has also worked in the development of Clean Development Mechanism projects for the Kyoto Protocol and other mechanisms for climate change mitigation.
Elizabeth has a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), a master’s degree in Energy Engineering and Environmental Management focused on developing countries, and a Diploma in environmental verification units for the Clean Industry Programme of the Federal Office for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA).