Tetra Pak and the Carbon Trust

The Carbon Trust is working with Tetra Pak to help them measure, verify and communicate the carbon footprint of their packaging products in the following ways:

1. Certification of Tetra Pak’s carbon footprint calculators

  • The Carbon Trust has reviewed Tetra Pak’s online carbon footprint calculator, accessible via the ProductXplorer tool, and certified it as capable of generating 'cradle-to-gate' product carbon footprints in compliance with the following international standards - PAS 2050, ISO 14044 and ISO 14067.
  • The Carbon Trust has reviewed Tetra Pak’s internal product CO2 model and certified it as capable of generating 'cradle-to-grave' product carbon footprints in compliance with the following international standards - PAS 2050, ISO 14044 and ISO 14067.
  • The ‘cradle-to-grave' product carbon footprints include the lifecycle steps of raw material production, transport of raw materials, packaging material converting, closure converting, film extrusion and blowing and strip production, transport of packaging materials to filler, forming and filling of the package and end-of-life.
  • Wherever possible, the product CO2 model incorporates Tetra Pak-specific data building on the third-party verified Greenhouse Gas Accounting, where not available, industry data is used.
  • For more information on the carbon footprint calculator certification, see here

2. Product footprint verification

  • Comparative footprint verification: By comparing the cradle-to-grave product carbon footprints of Tetra Pak® beverage cartons using plant-based polymers with the same packaging using fossil-based polymers, the Carbon Trust has verified the comparative reduction achieved through the use of plant-based polymers. Verified every two years in accordance with ISO 14067.
  • For more information on the product footprint verification, see here 
Product Family


Geographic AreagCO2eComparative Reduction (%)
Tetra BrikBase 200 Strawhole /ml Europe 10.08 Comparator 
Tetra Brik Plant-basedBase 200 Strawhole /ml Europe 6.11 -39%
Tetra Prisma AsepticEdge 200 DreamCap 26 /mll HAL HPE Europe 24.68 Comparator
Tetra Prisma Aseptic Plant-basedEdge 200 DreamCap 26 Plant-based /mll HAL HPEEurope 11.59-53%
Tetra Prisma Aseptic Plant-basedEdge 200 DreamCap 26 /mll HAL HPEEurope 17.86-28%
Tetra Prisma AsepticEdge 500 DreamCap 26 /aqk HAL HPE MF Europe 41.95Comparator
Tetra Prisma AsepticEdge 500 DreamCap 26 Plant-based /aqk HAL HPE MFEurope 35.68-15%
Tetra Prisma Aseptic Plant-based Edge 500 DreamCap 26 Plant-based /aqk HAL HPE MF Europe 23.29-44%
Tetra Stelo AsepticEdge 1000 WingCap /mlEurope 52.21Comparator
Tetra Stelo Aseptic Plant-basedEdge 1000 WingCap Plant-based Lid and Neck /mlEurope28.33-46%
Tetra Brik Base 200 Strawhole /mlRoW15.01 Comparator
Tetra Brik Plant-based Base 200 Strawhole /mlRoW 11.04 -26%
Tetra Prisma AsepticEdge 200 DreamCap 26 /mll HAL HPERoW 29.97 Comparator
Tetra Prisma Aseptic Plant-basedEdge 200 DreamCap 26 Plant-based /mll HAL HPE RoW 16.88 -44%
Tetra Prisma Aseptic Plant-based Edge 200 DreamCap 26 /mll HAL HPE RoW 23.15-23%
Tetra Prisma Aseptic Edge 500 DreamCap 26 /aqk HAL HPE MF RoW 52.82Comparator
Tetra Prisma AsepticEdge 500 DreamCap 26 Plant-based /aqk HAL HPE MF RoW 46.55-12%
Tetra Prisma Aseptic Plant-basedEdge 500 DreamCap 26 Plant-based /aqk HAL HPE MF RoW 34.16-35% 
Tetra Stelo Aseptic Edge 1000 WingCap /mlRoW 71.09Comparator
Tetra Stelo Aseptic Plant-basedEdge 1000 WingCap Plant-based Lid and Neck /mlRoW 47.20 -34% 
  • The products and package specific reduction values listed here are only a small selection of beverage cartons in the Tetra Pak® portfolio. The individual reduction values shown on-pack are based on the respective packaging specific calculations from the Carbon Trust-certified product model, shared directly with Tetra Pak’s customers
  • Tetra Pak has set ambitious climate targets, that if achieved will lead to a continued reduction of the product carbon footprints. More information on these targets and the measures implemented to achieve them can be found here.

Carbon neutrality

  • As of September 2023, the Carbon Trust no longer provides carbon neutral verification. However, to reduce packaging waste and allow time for the transition, the verification will continue for one more year and the carbon neutral packaging label will appear on-pack until early 2025. For more information on the Carbon Trust’s updated label portfolio, see here.
  • The product carbon footprint of selected beverage cartons with plant-based polymers in packaging material and closure has been certified as carbon neutral by the Carbon Trust in compliance with the internationally recognised PAS 2060 standard.
  • This means that after the carbon footprints of those packages have been measured, the achieved reductions are verified and a future reduction plan is reviewed, an equivalent amount of offsets are purchased as the remaining CO2 emissions from the lifecycle. The offsets are carefully selected by Tetra Pak from projects fulfilling the Gold Standard criteria.
  • For more information on the carbon neutral verification, see here.

3. Product carbon footprint labelling

  • Tetra Pak have licensed the use of the Carbon Trust Verified CO2e Footprint label with the ‘Lower Family’ claim on Tetra Brik® Aseptic Edge packages using plant-based polymers. This communicates to end-customers that the cradle-to-grave footprint of Tetra Pak® beverage cartons using plant-based polymers in packaging material and/or the closure is lower than the footprint of the same packaging using only fossil-based polymers

    TetraPack label on a carton

Biogenic carbon uptake

  • Packages that achieve more than 80% reduction in carbon footprint are displayed with “>80%” in the report.
  • The high reduction values can be explained by the accounting of biogenic carbon uptake (characterized as -1kgCO2eq/kgCO2) associated with the plant-based polymers in the packages.
  • Plants capture and store carbon from the atmosphere. When e.g. sugarcane is processed into plant-based polymers, the finished packaging material contains biogenic carbon captured from the atmosphere.
  • Emissions of biogenic CO2 at end-of-life are characterized as +1 kg CO2e/kg of biogenic carbon in the calculation of the carbon footprint.
  • In some cases, this may lead to a very low or net negative carbon footprint. This means that the biogenic carbon uptake associated with the plant-based polymers in the package is higher than the calculated total emissions of CO2e emitted during the package life cycle (including the end-of-life release under the model conditions).
  • The 80% reduction threshold approach simplifies the information for consumers, avoiding the misunderstanding of exact percentages in cases of high reduction values.
  • Tetra Pak will continue to use the Reducing CO2 packaging and carbon neutral packaging labels on-pack until early 2025, when the transition to the Verified CO2e Footprint label will be complete. This is to reduce packaging waste and to allow time for Tetra Pak’s customers to make the transition.

More information about Carbon Trust verified packages