Offshore Wind Accelerator: Testing of Array Cables (ToAC)

Call for entries from companies and consortia interested to undertake a study for the OWA Cables Technical Working Group (TWG-C) to investigate testing of array cables through stakeholder engagement and strategy development.

The main objectives of this work are to:

  • Engage a range of industry stakeholders to establish the feasibility of RTS and VLF testing up to 132 kV.
  • Define a testing and fault response strategy for commissioning.
  • Undertake cost-benefit analysis, including size and practicality of test kit, and feasibility up to 132 kV for:
    • Resonant Test System (RTS) testing (for both permanent and temporary installation).
    • Very Low Frequency (VLF) testing.
  • Define recommendations on the application of RTS and VLF at higher voltages (66 and 132 kV).
  • Scope a testing programme for comparison of different testing methods and their ability to identify faults.

The deadline for clarification questions was 11 September 2023 at 12:00 BST. Responses can be found below. 

The closing date to receive tender submissions is 30 September 2023 at 12:00 BST.

All clarification questions and tender submissions should be sent electronically, by their respective deadlines, to with in copy.