Offshore Wind Accelerator: Export constraints: Single Point Bonding at Landfall and Impacts on Export Cable Capacity

Call for entries from companies and consortia interested to undertake a study for the OWA Cables Technical Working Group (TWG-C) to investigate landfall export cable constraints as a key barrier for offshore wind, particularly as landfall is a thermal limit location.

Further work is required to analyse single point bonding compared to other novel solutions which aim to mitigate landfall constraints. The main objective of this work is to: 

  • Determine the feasibility of single point bonding subsea export cables at landfall.

This study aims to meet these objectives by:  

  • Producing a detailed methodology for calculating the standing voltage in normal and fault conditions.  
  • Making recommendations for practical implementation of single-point bonding.  
  • Creating a catalogue of different solutions for alleviating landfall pinch point constraints.  

The deadline for clarification questions has now passed. We did not receive any questions.

The closing date to receive tender submissions is 26 June 2023 at 12:00 BST. 
(Please note, the deadline has been extended, which will not be reflected in the ITT documents attached, but we can confirm that 26 June 2023 is the new, correct deadline).

All clarification questions and tender submissions should be sent electronically, by their respective deadlines, to with in copy.