Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme (ORJIP) for Offshore Wind: Closing the loop: Feasibility study to determine a feedback approach for post-consent monitoring to reduce consenting risk in future assessments

Post-construction data collection and monitoring for several species has been implemented as a requirement for offshore wind farm consent approvals. As a result, the amount of post-consent monitoring data collected is expected to increase over the coming years.

However, there is no strategic feedback approach to use this data in cumulative assessments. The introduction of an agreed approach whereby empirical post-construction data can be used to quantify realised effects to populations from offshore wind farms could enable this data to be used in cumulative assessments. At present, this opportunity to reduce uncertainty in cumulative assessments is being missed.

The ’Closing the loop’ project would work collaboratively across scientists and regulators to develop an approach for ‘closing the loop’ between pre- and post-construction data collection, defining monitoring methods and modelling approaches to refining estimates for realised OWF effects post-construction.

The project will define an approach to feed this new knowledge back into the pre-consenting assessment process to reduce uncertainty.

The project aims to deliver:

  1. Recommendations for a strategic approach to allow post-consent monitoring to be incorporated into the assessment process;
  2. Reduction in consenting risk and uncertainty, with empirical data to properly parameterise cumulative impact assessments ;
  3. An approach that has been developed in engagement with UK regulators, SNCBs, and other stakeholders in such a way that the recommended approach can feasibly be adopted by them.

The objectives of the project are to feed new knowledge from post-construction monitoring back into the pre-consenting assessment process to reduce uncertainty, for two key purposes:

  1. To allow post-consent monitoring to be incorporated into the assessment process (e.g., to inform modelling), and
  2. To provide empirical data to inform actual observed effects of a wind farm to inform cumulative impact assessments.

Please find our responses to your clarification questions in the list of tender documents below.

The closing date to receive tender submissions has been extended to 13 March 2024, 12:00 GMT. All clarification questions and tender submissions should be sent electronically, by their respective deadlines, to and