Calling for entries from companies and consortia interested in undertaking a study to understand the limitations surrounding different wet storage solutions (WSS) and scenarios.
The Floating Wind JIP wishes to further understand the requirements and limitations associated with wet storage solutions, ensuring quick and straightforward access to substructures. The project should assess how limiting parameters vary for the storage of substructures and the storage of substructures which have undergone WTG integration in both grounded and moored scenarios.
The objectives of the project are to:
- Determine the limitations of design, metocean, seabed, and bathymetric conditions to safely wet store structures with a grounded solution.
- Determine the limitations of metocean and geographical conditions for different mooring configurations to safely and effectively wet-store substructures.
- Evaluate how these limitations change for floaters without integrated turbines and floaters with integrated turbines.
- Understand the conditions and the process for gaining consent for wet storage areas and the concerns of relevant stakeholders in pre-defining these areas.
- Undertake an assessment of grounded solutions and moored solutions for wet storage, focusing largely on cost, but including other practical limitations.
- Define the parameter requirements for a wet storage area to successfully carry out storage of substructures.
The deadline for clarification questions is 23 February 2024.
The closing date to receive tender submissions has been extended to 28 March 2024, 17:00 BST.
All clarification questions and tender submissions should be sent electronically, by their respective deadlines to, with in copy.