New report identifies major clean-tech market opportunity for small businesses in developing countries

 • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries can generate significant growth and create jobs by seizing a potential $1.6 trillion market opportunity in clean technology.
• Latin America and Africa are among the largest markets for SMEs in clean technology with potential market sizes of $349 billion and $235 billion respectively. 
• SMEs are key drivers of job creation. Clean technology jobs compare favorably to jobs in other sectors, being on average more skilled, safer, and better paid. Countries must take key policy actions to fully realize this growth potential.


The Carbon Trust has worked with the World Bank Group to produce a new report that quantifies significant opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries to generate profits and create jobs by providing solutions to local climate challenges.

Much of the emphasis on climate change has been on urging countries to act to avoid environmental catastrophe. This new report, “Building Competitive Green Industries: the Climate and Clean Technology Opportunity for Developing Countries,” frames responding to climate change as an extraordinary economic opportunity, particularly in developing countries. The report, published by infoDev, a global innovation and entrepreneurship program in the Bank Group’s Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice, recommends actions by the public and private sectors to foster the growing market for SMEs in the clean technology sector.