This new initiative forms part of a wider strategy across the territory of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), to increase export competitiveness by using carbon footprint information as a differentiator and mark of product quality. The export market, including a burgeoning trade with Mainland China, is significant for Hong Kong, accounting for 3,434 billion HKD[1] in 2012 alone.
The project will be delivered over a two-year period with a plan to launch the scheme in 2015. CMA and the Carbon Trust aim to have 100 companies signed up to the initiative in the first two years from across all sectors, including the largest contributors; food, textiles, electric & electronic goods and building materials.
Raising awareness of product carbon footprints among companies and consumers within the SAR, will also help to reduce the level of carbon emissions produced across the local area.
The export market generates strong economic growth for the area and the CMA is looking to product carbon footprint certification and product labelling as a way to ensure long term competitiveness. It is important for any scheme operating in the local market to have international relevance which is why CMA believes now is the right time to work with the Carbon Trust to develop a product carbon footprinting labelling scheme for Hong Kong businesses.
- Johnny Yeung, Vice President, The Chinese Manufacturers Association
It is really encouraging to see influential organisations like the CMA see the business opportunities that can be unlocked through product carbon footprinting. Through our experience working around the world we see time and time again that product carbon footprinting can drive operational efficiencies and cost reduction while creating competitive advantage.
- Tom Delay, Chief Executive at the Carbon Trust
The Carbon Trust brings over a decade of world-leading technical expertise in product carbon footprinting and labelling to the project and has been engaged specifically to design, pilot and launch of the scheme. Footprinting software and training tools to help businesses that sign up to the scheme will also be created with the Carbon Trust.
The CMA is a not-for-profit chamber of commerce, established in 1934. With over 3,000 member companies from various sectors of industry and trade, CMA is one of the most representative industrial associations in Hong Kong.
About Carbon Trust
The Carbon Trust is an independent company with a mission to accelerate the move to a sustainable, low carbon economy. The Carbon Trust:
- advises businesses, governments and the public sector on opportunities in a sustainable, low carbon world.
- measures and certifies the environmental footprint of organisations, products and services.
- helps develop and deploy low carbon technologies and solutions, from energy efficiency to renewable power.
For further information please contact the Carbon Trust press office:
Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7170 7050
[1] Hong Kong Merchandise Trade Statistics Annual Supplement 2012