Footprint Expert 4.0 software now includes new carbon footprinting standards

The Carbon Trust has launched a new release of Footprint Expert - version 4.0. Previous versions enabled companies to calculate and report the footprint of their products and services according to the first internationally-agreed footprinting standard, PAS2050:2008. This enables our clients to harness a variety of business benefits from the footprinting process, which include:

  • Identifying cost savings across the supply chain
  • Identifying opportunities to reduce environmental impact through reductions in material use, water, waste and energy
  • Informing  innovation for low carbon and sustainable product design
  • Understanding  supply chain risks and preparing for future legislation
  • Enhancing brands and winning tenders with business-to-business customers though better environmental credentials, carbon labelling and communications

This new version of Footprint Expert is one of the first solutions on the market to enable users to complete their carbon footprint assessment against two new standards, PAS2050:2011 and the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Product standard.

Why footprint against these new standards?

A single footprinting exercise carried out using Footprint Expert 4.0 will conform to both PAS2050:2011 and the GHG Protocol Product standard, which means it is likely to be recognised and accepted anywhere in the world.

While PAS2050 continues to be developed by the British Standards Institution, the GHG Protocol Product standard is a multi-stakeholder partnership based in the United States. The GHG organisation previously produced a Corporate Standard for organisation carbon footprinting, which has been widely adopted and serves as the basis for the Carbon Disclosure Project. Building on this success, the Sustainability Consortium, comprising 400 leading global retailers, manufacturers and consumer packaged goods companies, has voted to adopt the GHG Product standard.

As well as giving the best possible chance of the footprint to recognised and accepted, the new methodologies used in Footprint Expert 4.0 offer technical footprinting advantages, including:

  • Comprehensive reporting:  footprint reports conforming to the new standards are more informative and wide-ranging, with free text areas covering boundary setting, sources of uncertainty and reduction targets
  • Better breakdown of data:  for all processes covered by the footprint, information will be available on the biogenic and non-biogenic emissions and removals using new methodologies and data provided within the tool

Can carbon footprints calculated using Footprint Expert 4.0 be certified?

Carbon Trust Certification is able to certify product carbon footprints to both new standards, PAS2050:2011 and the GHG Product standard, as well as PAS2050:2008. Footprint Expert 4.0 is designed to make the certification of your footprints as quick and straightforward as possible.


Learn more about Footprint Expert and book a demonstration