Next steps for retail energy markets in the UK - sector modernisation, decarbonisation, regulation, and delivering value and new services for customers
Thursday 15 July 2021, 9am to 1pm BST
This conference is examining the future of energy retail markets.
It will be an opportunity to assess the impact of the Energy White Paper, with proposals on creating an affordable and competitive retail market in the context of the drive towards a UK energy system with net-zero emissions - including priorities for support for smart and flexible tariffs, and supplier-led energy efficiency improvements.
Areas for discussion include:
- reform to the market framework - including plans for expanding market engagement, consumer protection, and further integrating smart technologies across the sector
- modernisation and decarbonisation - priorities including increasing grid flexibility, optimising the system for low-carbon energy, and connecting non-generation technologies
- sector development - new business models for retailers and wider stakeholders, new services, and best practice for achieving greater value for consumers
The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from BEIS; the CMA; the DIT; the Department for the Economy, NI; the HSE; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government; and parliamentary pass-holders from both Houses of Parliament.