Time for action: setting net zero targets

Looking up at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore

The opportunity and the need for companies and investors to show leadership on climate change is more compelling than ever before. Companies need to commit to action and should all be setting a target to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This webinar will share best practice on target setting and explain what companies need to do to align to a net zero world.

Who should attend?

  • Sustainability and environment practitioners
  • Compliance managers
  • CSR and corporate strategy professionals
  • Marketing and brand managers


Please note this webinar is for Carbon Trust corporate clients and stakeholders only. We reserve the right to decline registrations in order to ensure an appropriate audience for the webinar.


Speakers include:

Guy Rickard
Associate Director

Guy leads the Carbon Trust’s work on corporate footprinting, reporting and target setting. A member of the SBTi Technical Advisory Group since 2014, he has overseen the team’s delivery of consultancy support for over 50 companies setting science-based targets and spoken at multiple events to raise awareness of this area. In addition, Guy has worked with numerous FTSE100 companies and other multinational clients around the world on sustainability strategy, technical opportunity identification, business case development and stakeholder engagement. His wide-ranging sector experience includes manufacturing, transport, retail, financial services, media, utilities, hospitality, construction and commercial property.


Mark Reynolds
Account Director

Mark is sector lead for companies in the utilities and transport industries, responsible for driving new business and helping corporate customers to reduce their carbon footprint, cut energy costs and gain a strategic competitive advantage. Much of this work involves helping companies identify the business case for putting sustainability at the heart of the organisation and demonstrating how this delivers shareholder value. His experience has been built up through 15 years working in the sustainability sector for both early stage companies and global corporates, most recently at Johnson Controls.