Both Hungary and the United Kingdom are committed to reach zero carbon electricity systems (90% by 2030, and 100% by 2035, respectively). However, the UK has the aim to ensure that its electricity grid can support periods of 100% carbon-free generation already by 2025.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the following:
- Main challenges of net-zero grids
- Share the UK experience related to the system integration of variable and/or distributed RES capacities and the allocation method of grid connection rights among developers.
- Get an insight into how new technologies and related competitive service procurement enables the accommodation of high RES-E shares
- Understand how flexibility solutions are ensured in the UK and at what cost
- Share the UK experience with pre-requisites of successful electrification
- Receive advice on how the coupling of energy sectors (electricity, H&C and transport) can be fostered to help decarbonise the whole energy system, and how policymakers and regulatory institutions in the UK collaborate on this strategy.
Andrew Lever, the Carbon Trust's Director of Energy Transition, will be speaking during the 'Flexibility in Great Britain' session.