Smarter Tariffs - Smarter Comparisons

Smart meter in kitchen

Smart meters enable the development of innovative new tariffs and provide consumers with access to their energy data. However, current tariff comparison services don’t have the capability to compare complex tariffs, and base their predications on estimated usage.

BEIS identified the opportunity for a step-change in tariff comparison to address this need by investing in the development of an open-source prototype tool that uses consumers’ actual smart meter data. The result is accurate energy quotes and tailored recommendations to meet the individual needs of the consumer.

We invite you to an exclusive webinar to hear directly from the developers of the tool, which is designed to be picked up by Price Comparison Websites, energy suppliers, and other innovative low carbon technology providers.


This webinar will also give you the opportunity to:

·       Hear about the key learnings from the Smart Tariff, Smart Comparison project*.

·       See a demonstration of the prototype tool, find out how it works and details of how you can access the tool’s code.

·       Find out about the results from the latest research conducted with over 2000 consumers on their attitudes to smart tariffs which informed the design of the tool.

·       Discover insights on the market for smart tariffs and how it is evolving, based on a review of the tariff landscape today and feedback from UK energy suppliers.


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Hosted by:
Smart Tariffs

*Funded through the BEIS £505m Energy Innovation Programme (2015-2021)