Floating Offshore Wind 2020

Banner reads: Floating Offshore Wind, 7-8 October 2020, Virtual

The UK is a leading market for floating offshore wind. The UK Government has committed to support floating offshore wind projects and, with the Scotwind and The Crown Estate's Round Four leasing processes underway, 2020 marks a decisive step forward for the technology.  Floating Offshore Wind 2020 will tackle some of the big questions for industry, including the role of floating offshore wind in the energy transition, project leasing and consenting, the policy and market support landscape and how this technology can deliver economic benefits across the UK and globally.

Our expert programme will bring together leaders in floating offshore wind to explore opportunities for the supply chain, how cost reduction will be achieved, the role of innovation and the necessary advances in infrastructure to support this industry’s growth.

Our expert Hannah Evans will be speaking at the closing session on leading action in floating wind. 

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