COP26: Wind Pavilion

5 November, 11:30am to 1pm GMT

Launch Event: Roadmap to Integrate Clean Offshore Renewable Energy into Climate-Smart Marine Spatial Planning

The ocean hosts a wealth of climate change mitigation solutions, including offshore wind, but is increasingly under pressure from different human activities. Climate-Smart Marine Spatial Planning is a process with potential to reconcile clean energy's role in delivering decarbonisation with biodiversity considerations, wider Sustainable Development Goals, and ambitions of other marine users, including fisheries, shipping and coastal tourism.

Join the Carbon Trust, UN Global Compact, Global Wind Energy Council, IOC-UNESCO and more to hear how robust spatial planning processes can be key levers for successfully scaling-up ocean-based climate change mitigation solutions.

Register for the livestream here

The Carbon Trust will be joining Panel 2 on Fostering harmonious co-existence in emerging regions of offshore wind growth.

  • Jan Matthiesen, Director, Offshore Wind, the Carbon Trust
  • Vivek Pathak, Director and Global Head for Climate Business, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
  • Vera Agostini, Deputy Director Fisheries, Food and Agriculture Organization
  • Xavier Guillou, Policy Officer, Marine Renewable Energy, European Commission
  • Minna Epps, Director, Global Marine and Polar Programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)