Industry is the third largest emitting sector in the UK, representing a 16% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Accelerating the adoption of low carbon, energy and resource efficiency technologies is key to delivering UK's net zero targets, while bringing cost savings and bolstering competitiveness.
The Carbon Trust has been re-appointed to design and deliver the next phase of the BEIS IEEA programme, as part of the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP). Up to £8 million of grant funding will be available to support commercial-scale demonstrations of energy/resource efficiency innovations.
BEIS IEEA introductory webinar
Join our introductory webinar to hear more about the IEEA programme, discover how it will support the demonstration of innovative technologies with the potential to cut carbon emissions while bolstering UK's industry competitiveness, and find out how to access part of the £8 million funds available for UK-based demonstration projects.
Register for one of our free introductory webinars:
Friday 27 August 2021, 3pm to 3.30pm BST
Wednesday 1 September 2021, 3pm to 3.30pm BST
Friday 3 September 2021, 11am to 11.30am BST
Monday 6 September 2021, 3pm to 3.30pm BST
Wednesday 8 September 2021, 11am to 11.30am BST
Friday 10 September 2021, 3pm to 3.30pm BST
Who should attend?
Technology developers and industrial players from all sectors including steel, food & drink, chemicals, aluminium, glass, plastics, textiles, cement and more.
Find out more about the BEIS IEEA here
The IEEA is funded through the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP), a £1 billion fund to support the development and adaptation of low carbon technologies and systems across industry, power and the built environment. It is anticipated that the BEIS IEEA funding will unlock up to £8-10 million of additional investment from the private sector to support the demonstrations.