As we begin to adjust into ‘crisis as normal’ it is vital that we do not ignore the greater threat on our horizon. Lockdowns are beginning to ease. Energy transition must now be placed at the centre of all plans for economic revival.
Join Reuters Events' virtual build back better symposium to explore how we can ensure that climate recovery is placed at the forefront of plans for economic revival post Covid-19.
Industry leaders will be sharing insights including the Carbon Trust's CEO Tom Delay who will be discussing peak demand.
Sharing insights: Tom Delay CBE (CEO, the Carbon Trust)
3:15 - 4:00 PM BST: Peak demand?
Will we look back at 2019 as the year of peak oil demand? What does this mean for companies in transition, how will it affect first-mover advantage, and how can oil and gas companies pivot through crisis to ensure better-business, rather than business as usual?